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Student Placement


Placement services are currently offered at  Ukrainian universities but often  in an ad-hoc fashion by non-specialists. The University of Cordoba has specialised in creating a renowned service and is willing to import these practices to  Ukraine.  This project will improve the service offered to Ukrainian students by  creating specialised placement staff who will work from a newly created centre.

The outputs of the work package  will be an efficiently functioning placement service backed by two up- to – date databases and a training programme for students and enterprises organised by trained staff. The outcome will be that students and enterprises will fulfil their respective needs and aspirations.


The modus operandi will be to train the staff in the first year, prepare the databases and install the placement structure at the centre in the second year and run the service in the third year. Two Placement Staff from each partner university will be selected and trained at the University of Cordoba. These will train two more when they return to their university.


A programmer will be appointed to create the databases according to the specifications issued by the placement officers.  The placement team will prepare the training programme in the second year.  There will thus be a placement team of four people plus a programmer providing this service at each university making a total of 20 staff trained by the project.


In the final year, a report of what has been achieved will be prepared by the centre manager and passed to the management team for the Ministry.  The placement officers will also work with the centre manager to  implement Key Performance Indicators (produced in WP7) to assess the impact of their work and assist the Ministry to draft a long term strategy to improve the student experience in Ukraine.



  1. Selecting the placement staff

  2. Training Placement Officers

  3. Design and Create the Student Database

  4. Design and Create the Enterprise Database

  5. Design and Create the Student Mobile App and Integration

  6. Creating and delivering Training to Students

  7. Involving the Ministry

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